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Procrastinating Ola

Beaten by the weather - again!

August 6 2009 , Written by thediversetraveller Published on #Ola Fagbohun, #research, #summer dressing, #Travel News, #weather, #weather forecast

Meteorologists have apologised and revised their earlier forecast of a bar-be-que summer, as they claim 'its difficult to project so far ahead'. OK! I'll give them that, but why do they get still get daily forecasts wrong?

Britishweather On waking yesterday, the radio weather forecaster informed me that the day would be overcast with intermittent rain. Clouds would mask the sun leaving temperatures in the 'teens'.

I left home, that morning, prepared - jeans, long sleeved cotton shirt, a sleeveless wool cardigan and trainers (with light socks). Unfortunately, my outfit was great for 10 am, but wrong for the afternoon.

By 2 pm I was boiling. My jeans clung to my thighs and my cotton shirt, now heavy with sweat, stuck to my back. I envied the women dressed in t-shirts, short skirts or shorts in leggings.

I know many of you have been similarly caught out, as research by OnePoll.com, found that women are caught out by the weather 48 times a year.

Back home, cooled from a luke-warm shower, I looked at the weather forecast for the next five days. I wondered weather this a futile task, but like many of us I am obsessed with the weather, even though I know I will be caught out again very soon.

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