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Procrastinating Ola

Out cold in Baltimore

August 20 2009 , Written by thediversetraveller Published on #Blood pressure, #Charlotte North Carolina, #houston, #Jane Austen, #North Carolina, #Ola Fagbohun, #Perspiration, #Temperature, #travel, #Travel News, #United States, #woman traveler, #woman traveller

For the first time, I can remember at least, I fainted. Mine was not a Jane Austen swoon, rather an ungainly plummet to the floor. 

But lets rewind. I've been in the USA since last Sunday, staying with a friend in Annapolis. however, since leaving the UK I have been feeling unwell - lethargic, a little wobbly and no appetite. As I wasn't planning any strenuous activity, I happily spent three days on the sofa watching marathons of Law and Order and 30 Rock.

Down and out

Abouttothrowup Yesterday, feeling a little better, I was on my way to Houston when I fainted in the newsagents, Olympic News an hour before take off. I remember, feeling hot and spaced out, as I grabbed a soft drink from the fridge.

Sweating profusely, while waiting to pay I had to sit in my bag to stop from passing out. At my turn I got up placed the drink on the counter; then the next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor with a strange man rubbing my arm.

Thinking back, I don't know why this didn't freak me out. Instead, I was a little surprised and bemused. I thought I'd been sleeping very comfortably in my bed. In fact if I hadn't felt my arm being rubbed, maybe I would still be 'asleep' now.

My own ER

As soon as I came round, I knew where I was but not that I had fainted and been out for a few minutes. As questions came at me, sweat was visibly pouring off me. This concerned the people around me that I was given a large bottle of cold water to drink and to cool my head.

While I waited for the airport medics, I was told by Ross, I think that was his name, that he had caught me as I fell. Apparently, the woman serving me noticed I looked unsteady. When she saw me start to fall, fearing I would bang my head on the counter, she called Ross, who thankfully reached me in time.

When the medics arrived, I moved, walking with their help, to a seat in the departure area. i was starting to feel better, although the medics were not convinced. Along with my personal details, they took my temperature, blood sugar and blood pressure, all normal. I was asked three times whether I wanted to go to the hospital for a check-up, which I declined three times. I signed a disclaimer, but could still call on them if I got on the plane and felt ill.

Fit to travel

Still a little light-headed, I went back to the Olympic News got some peanut M&M's and two large bottles of water and headed for Houston, a four hour flight (one hour in Charlotte, North Carolina).

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